Saturday, March 19, 2011

favourite song

Every time                                                                                                    
You feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost and that you're so alone
All you see is night                                                                              
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless you can't see which way to go
Don't despair
And never lose hope
'Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah
Insha Allah
Insha Allah
You'll find your way

Every time
You commit one more mistake                                                                          
You feel you can't repent and that it's way too late
You're so confused
Wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full shame
But don't despair
And never lose hope
Coz Allah is always by your side


Turn to Allah
He's never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
Ya Allah
Guide my steps, don't let me go astray
You're the only one who can show me the way
Show me the way
Show me the way
Show me the way

We'll find the way

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

movie review : MR. and MRS. SMITH

       Hyep..hyep... this time Miss Hamimah told us that we need to do some 'movie reviews' for our next task for online assignment. For this task, I want to do the Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie. I choose this movie because this movie were very interesting movie. It's got many an interest action or scene such as the romantic scene , the commedy scene and the adventure scene.
       This Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie is a story about John and Jane Smith are a normal married couple , living a normal life in a normal suburb , working a normal jobs... well if you can called secretly assasins "normal" . But neither Jane nor John knows about their spouse's secret , until they are suprised to find each other as a targets !
       When both are assigned to kill a man named Benjamin Danz , nicknamed "The Tank" , they encounter each other on the job and discover the truth. Then , both employers task one Smith to eliminate the other and each must choose between their personal and
professional lives.
       Engaged in deadly game , John and Jane try to take each other out and learns more about each other as they try to finish the job and eliminate Danz.

                                            -THE END-


Thursday, February 24, 2011

BEL020 exercise lha

   The handsome guy that also my neighbour's is  Encik Ali. He is a teacher at Sekolah Sri Menengah Delima. He is 30 years old. He is also already married and has 4 children. Encik Ali is teaching Geography and Science subjects. He goes to work by car. Lastly , what can i say about Encik Ali is, he is a hardworking and very kind person that i have ever met.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

kawan-kawan t'sayang


kaw the best lha...

kaw t'baek...

my life is nothing without you guys...

saia bahagia ada kalian di sisi

sayang korunk lha...


what are you expected from your BEL class ???

          Hye...My name is Nur Murny from pd0081A2 , The thing that I expacted from this BEL020 class is to improve my english very well...Especially , in my writing , speach and also my daily speak...Honestly , i love english very damn much...

          I want to improve my writing , speach and my daily speak is cause the three things is very bad...very said about that...I love english very much but I low about that thing....grrr...too bad...So i hope i can improved my writing , speach and daily speach verry well...There is still many things that i want learn about english..

         The second thing that i hope from this class is i hope Miss Hamimah can make something that can approve our speach daily....likes while in a BELL class , we alls must speak in english... if they don't do that , they must pay about 10cents once they're speak in Malay.....with the money...we can use for anything likes if want copy anything...It's just my idea for this class...

         Lastly , I'm a verry happy to get u as my lecture Miss Hamimah :) thnx four your lecture for my friend and I....I'll do my best in your class miss :)

_the end_

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Eric Leong My Idol ( INTERIOR DESIGNER )

Eric Leong – The Celebrity Designer; An Author, Columnist, International Speaker, Product Ambassador is rapidly growing exponentially. Eric, with his cheerful, helpful and happy go lucky character has gained the title as “Malaysia most favorite interior designer”, carrying the tagline of Bold & Stylish which is also the design statement he holds firmly on to.

Eric celebrates his '17th Year Anniversary' in the industry this year.

A Little Background;
Eric Leong is a Kuala Lumpur-based, bold and stylish interior designer. Eric was born in Kluang, a small town in the Johore state (the south gate of Malaysia) and was raised in Johor Bahru the state capital of Johore. He completed his formal education in Johor Bahru and furtherd his studies in Singapore. Eric holds two major qualifications in both Interior Design and Business Studies.

In 2001 Eric started his interior design make-over show – Casa Impian (Malaysia first interior made-over TV show and has carried on for 6 seasons). 2007 came and Eric now carries his own name in the new and improved 'Deko Bersama Eric'. He dazzled and captured the hearts of the nation with his magical touch on an ordinary interior space by transforming them into breath-taking finishing, whilst once again gained another title - “Raja Hias” / “the Design King” for this contribution to the industry.

2008 Eric charmed the nation once again with a new lifestyle based talk show 'JOM ! Bersama Eric', catering to the ever growing demand on Eric on TV. Now with 2 Shows on TV, Eric is preparing for his 3rd......

well...i guess that's all what can i share about him too you guys...i love interior designer lha :)

dadali-disaat aku mencintaimu.wmv

Sunday, January 30, 2011


New Year...New Area...New Home...New Family...New Friends...New Appearence...New Experience...New Housemate...New Teachers...............

* but ! there is NO NEW BOYFRIENDS...! hahaha *



happy new year to all my beloved family and my MUAR....miss u guys so much lar ! i'm in here juz celebrate with their countdown...booowhshit.....! too bored lorh ! wanna BBQ...FIREWORKS...having some sad....but....thankfully the others members in here funky and sporting....ily guys <3

27 dis 2010

alahmdulillah...after wait and wait for a quiet years...i achieve my dreams to futher my studies in uitm....thnx to God...for a 1st weeks after check in...feelin' so tired wif MDS ( Minggu Destini Siswa )....feelin; like i'm in the was quietly fun laa......

Saturday, January 29, 2011